Monday, June 3, 2013

Kapstone Project

Here are some models me and my partner created for a project

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Puzzle Cube Project!

Recently in our engineering class we have been working on puzzle cubes, not only creating the cube but also decorating and re-designing using computer software. Here is my puzzle cube:

I also made a box for my cube, here it is: 

Before making my cube I drew possible part combinations on isometric graph paper, here it is: 
After making my cube, I created step by step directions for completing it, using isometric graph paper:

After completing this, I continued to re-create my pieces using Auto Desk Inventor Professional: 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Achievement Get!

We got 12 achievements for the cardboard canoe challenge.
1. Criteria and Constraints: One implied criteria is that the boat must be completely covered with duct tape. Three implied constraints are that it has to fit through the door, it has to fit one person, and it has to be hydrodynamic. 

 2. Sketch Ideas

3. Prototype Ideas: 

4. Select an Approach: Our sketches were very round, we weren't sure how we would secure a v-bottom so we decided to go with a flat bottom. 

5. Build it: 

6. The Earlier Bird gets the Achievement: We were the first team to finish our boat.

7. Videographer: 

8. Feedback: I think we had a good general design with our canoe. I would have made the canoe thicker because our sides didn't hold up when we went in the water. We definitely could have improved it by layering all of the sides with some more cardboard to help keep it's shape or even added a frame to help stabilize our canoe. 

9. How low did you go?: Our canoe sat a few inches into the water. In our boat we had and I weigh about 155 lbs the boat had more volume than the water so I was a few inches above the water. 

10. Make Your Own Achievement: Cannonball!- After the races have one of your group members perform a cannonball into their canoe. 

11. Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions- State the problem you are designing a solution for. List at least 20 ideas you have regarding your solution

12. Redesign- 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cardboard Canoe!

So, right now in our engineering class we are doing a cardboard canoe challenge to see who can make the best cardboard canoe using only cardboard and duct tape.

Doing some research about good designs for cardboard canoes I came across this picture. I am planning on basing the design of my canoe off of this photo.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012